Love Hope and Tears Page 2
don’t feel less the man
Less what others say I am
And no one stabs at me
Tears at flesh they cannot see
For I am lifted higher
Far from burdened mire
In the Great unknown
Where's my paradise home
And my Loves past
The memories that last
Would walk by my side
Become my spirit guide
This unreasoned age
Would no longer cage
My ability to fly
To touch the living sky
But can you understand
The need of a foreign land
That is a paradise home
Where my spirits flown
David Papa-Adams (C) all rights reserved 2008
Thank you Jesus
I saw Heavens Kingdom
And found Jesus there
He said its brotherly love
That made you want to care
And those desperate trials
That brought you deep despair
Are forgotten here in heaven
Where all choose to care
He said
When you were alone
I always stood there
So now forget the trials
The burdens that you bear
For in Heavens kingdom
No one stands alone
We are all at peace
In our one true home
And as for loves lost
Those that past away
Never suffer winter’s frost
Or have a bad day
You’ll find them all here
And others that you know
So do not shed a tear
For the places people go
David Papa-Adams © 2011 All rights reserved
Conspiracy Theory or bust?
Conspiracy theory or bust
To make the world more just
But many are muted
The world is polluted
Conspiracy theory or bust
Conspiracy theory or bust
I'm telling you it's a must
Are aliens real, I cannot deal
Conspiracy theory or bust
Conspiracy theory or bust
Chemtrails or pixie dust
Above the yard
The air I breaths hard
Conspiracy theory or bust
Conspiracy theory or bust
So many are truly fussed
By the horrors they see
Please don't happen to me
Conspiracy theory or bust
Conspiracy theory or bust
Everyone seems so rushed
Who knows what's crazy
When things are so hazy
Conspiracy theory or bust
Conspiracy theory or bust
Hollow earth beneath the crust
This mantra I'm solving
My head keeps revolving
Conspiracy theory or bust
Conspiracy theory or bust
GM foods we should discuss
Or that the world's hacked
And everyone's tracked
Conspiracy theory or bust
Conspiracy theory or bust
Have any got life sussed
I'm inundated by information
I hear aliens are invading
Conspiracy theory or bust
Conspiracy theory or bust
I don't know who to trust
All want to be right
So who's seen the light?
Conspiracy theory or bust
Conspiracy theory or bust
Leaves a strange sort of musk
None know what's true
Well that's nothing new
Conspiracy theory or bust
Conspiracy theory or bust
I do feel concussed
Everyone's confusing
Is it drugs they're using?
Conspiracy theory or bust
Conspiracy theory or bust
There's a genuine lust
To know what's restricted
I think I'm addicted
Conspiracy theory or bust
David Papa-Adams (C) 2013 All rights reserved
Bang went the Drum
Bang went the drum
When it all begun
I’m willing to die
For everyone
Bang went the drum
And the sound of the gun
To blistering blazing blinding fun
Bang went the drum
In World War one
Battle cry bullets hum
Bang went the drum
In a Flanders field
Bodies torn others killed
Bang went the drum
And the sound of the gun
To blistering blazing blinding fun
Bang went the drum
As the soldiers run
Straight to their death
Is there anything left?
Bang went the drum
As the soldiers run
Straight into hell
Where others fell
Bang went the drum
And the sound of the gun
To blistering blazing blinding fun
Bang went the drum
At the battle of the Somme
Sixty thousand now long gone
Bang went the drum
And the sound of the gun
Surely at eighteen
I am too young
Bang went the drum
And the sound of the gun
To blistering blazing blinding fun
Bang went the drum
And the sound of the gun
Oh my God
I think I’ve killed someone
Bang went the drum
At the battle of the Somme
No way to run
When your legs are gone
Bang went the drum
And the sound of the gun
To blistering blazing blinding fun
Bang went the drum
As smoke fills the air
No good breathing
If your lungs aren’t there
Bang went the drum
And the sound of the gun
Don’t wanna die
Just wanna run
Bang went the drum
And the Sound of the gun
To Blistering Blazing Blinding fun
Bang went the drum
Bang went the drum
David Papa-Adams © 1998 all rights reserved
Is love a simmering heat
That attacks you in your prime
Or is it a lightning strike
That doesn’t diminish with time
Is it told in Shakespeare’s sonnets?
As something youth can find
Or does it jibber and quake
This reversal of the mind
Or is it some special mystery
Like seeking the Holy Grail
Or is it a sinking ship
Where everyone has to bail
Is it a passing comet?
That lights up the evening sky
Or is it a seething torrent
A down pour from on high
Does it whisper to you at night?
In the arms of someone you love
Or does it freak you out
To hear voices from above
Does it sometimes appear?
Like a fairy in the night
Only to steal your teeth
Surely that cannot be right
Or is it a simple fable
About a simple man
A story with Clark Gable
Who doesn’t give a damn
Whatever it is it confuses
Everyone it's ever met
And often simply abuses
Ideas that are deep set
So perhaps we should accept
It will conquer us all
Unless of course like me
You hide when it comes to call
David Papa-Adams © 2012 all rights reserved
Good to go?
Am I really good to go?
This the only end I know
There’s a monument of stone
You are never left alone
The words in loving memory
Suggest some pious sanctity
And people lie side by side
Such company when you’ve died
Someone really cares for you
Relationships are built anew
And don’t speak ill of the dead
When they lie in sunken bed
Surely it’s only when they live
Those harsher words you should give
But death deserves such finery
And loved ones given sympathy
I am sorry for your loss
Was he really a good boss?
And others say are you alright
At least he died in the night
So good then that you came
Offered some sweet refrain
He would admire what’s said
If only he were not dead
But the dead deserve some grace
So I should get off their case
And let them all sleep in peace
While relatives chase what they can fleece
So I guess it must be said
When you’re all good and dead
It is the only time you will hear
Good words spoken in your ear
And yet I know the reason why
Good things come to those that die
After death you threaten not
What in life others have got
And intolerance chases all
Makes acts unknowingly cruel
And jealousy and hurtful pride
Are left behind when you’ve died
What a shame it ends that way
With empty words left to stay
Surely it’s much better served
If in life you have a caring word
And all those that say I’m wrong
Don’t praise or make them strong
For they keep Love to themselves
And deserve the darkness where it dwells
David Papa-Adams © 2011 All rights reserved
What a Lump
They said it’s just a hernia
This bump at my side
A strange kind of disturbia
That seems therein to hide
The children have named it
Like some little friend
I have to admire their wit
Though I’m at my wits end
It appeared one day
This strange unholy lump
So I’ll exercise it away
And gone will be my bump
If any should come and ask
Why it has suddenly gone
I’ll tell them it was a farce
A right old carry on
Oh what a lump
That’s past me by
A super speed hump
That simply had to die
So there’s a fitting end
And I can breathe a sigh
I’m glad it found a friend
With that great lump in the sky
My bodies back to normal
Or so the children say
There's a bump in my middle
That will never go away
David Papa-Adams © 2011
Holocaust - Into the Dark
I see what happened it opened my eyes
The ground’s washed with black red dyes
People masked, air choking thick with hate
I wish to be blind, but blindness comes too late
The sun gagged, veiled, fumed clouds
The dead wrapped in unholy